Est. 2008

Welcome to our online Lodge! If you can't stop by in person to visit us, then check back here for a chance to "catch up" in our online Lodge! We'll share current happenings, prayer requests and other events here at the Lodge! Thanks for stopping by and y'all come back now!

Thursday, November 20, 2014


It's not time yet for a Christmas or end of year update here, but God has been doing so many things here in Northwest Montana!

Since our time at Bighorn is completed, we were wondering where God would have us and why He moved us out here if it truly was not to work at Camp Bighorn. Well, we are plugged in to a wonderful church and church family here!

We have Wednesday night kids clubs that Eric is a leader in and I (K) am a fill-in.
We have a lifegroup (a small group) that meets during the week.
Eric has mens group once a week, and I have my womens Bible study every week as well.

God has sure been teaching us a lot, and also showing us His provision during this moving around and getting settled into Montana life. It still doesn't feel like home to me, but Eric has adapted just fine! We are looking at a few different places for sale for options to buy as buying a house is far cheaper than renting. Right now we are living in an older farmhouse, on the edge of town. It was shown for the first time in 4 years, so who knows, maybe we will have to move again so soon! It will be tricky with getting a new lease or finding a new place to live while we are trying to buy our own home to stop the moving madness. This will be the first Christmas we have in our "own" home in 3 years. We are thrilled, but the kids even more so. Ruger sure loves his Christmas trees!

We have kids Christmas programs to go to, one being at Evelyn's school! I can't believe that time has come where we are going to our own child's Christmas program! Where does the time go?!

Baby Chasiah is growing like a weed, got her first tooth this week and already cutting #2!!!!

Well, that's a quick update for us in Montana. God is doing so much and I will post more of what He's been doing here as I am able!
